I totally agree with Duncan's observation...Urban Hellholes are less cavernous then you may think. I think that's the New York City view for most...and yeah, there are urban canyons all over that little island. But for the most part, our lovely hellhole here is not really that elevated (hell, we even started taking down some of our elevated stuff a while back...remember Orange Line T route, elevated Central Artery, Green Line T near the Garden).
Just a quick note on weather, too. I mentioned to my father about it not being a really hard winter for me, and he reacted with surprise. Which sorta surprised me. What I think may have happened is that he viewed the troubles Washington DC, Philadelphia, New York's weather with ours. This year, I'd say we were spared a lot of the pain they had...not to diminish the snow we did have...it did make the city look pretty (that's why I moved here).
Right now, it is still 55 degrees (F). That's pretty warm this late in the day and this early in the Spring. Look at this weather pattern so far this month:
We've pretty much already had 2 heat waves (two three day periods of well above normal temperature)...that's sorta what I see, but I'm no Al Roker. Seems this summer may end up being pretty harsh. For God's sake, I could golf tomorrow when it will be 70+ (F).
I'm still not knocking it...and I will get outside, but still...warm, isn't it?